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  • Post last modified:June 24, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Title: 60 Dates in Six Months: With A Broken Neck
Author: Maureen Anne Meehan
Publisher: Writers Branding LLC
ISBN: 978-1639459230
Pages: 76
Genre: Non-fiction / Satire
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

Pacific Book Review

One of life’s most unpredictable emotions and feelings has to be love. Love is at times sporadic, other times bountiful, and yet never far out of reach. Love takes many forms, from the love shared between a family, to the love that grows over time with friendship. Yet the most powerful and prolific form of love people often speak of is romantic love; that special spark shared between two individuals. When that love is found and suddenly lost tragically, it can be hard to imagine or even desire another love could be found again. Yet love does strike twice for some people, and keeping one’s heart open to the idea is important to nourishing that love.

In author Maureen Anne Meehan’s, 60 Dates in Six Months: With a Broken Neck, the author explores the long journey to finding love once again later in life. After mourning the love of her life for over a decade, the author shares the powerful story of searching for new love and romance in her 50s in Orange County, California. With a blend of humor and heart, the author recounts the experiences and memories of her time looking for love and discovering herself in the process.

The author does such an incredible job of creating a fast-pace yet relatable and enjoyable book. The author provides a succinct yet detailed account of each of the men she spoke with over her time stepping back into the dating game. The emotional and heartbreaking reality of her loss and the incredible strength it took to return to the dating scene, even in the wake of a debilitating injury, was remarkable to read about and get lost in. The imagery the author’s writing inspired left me transported into these situations, experiencing the moments the author touched upon with great speed and detail.

This is a memorable and perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction books, especially those dealing with relationships and a memoir style of writing. The insight and knowledge readers are able to glean from this book regarding life as a single person looking for love in our modern age is fascinating. Each chapter spoke to the kind of individual the author was able to meet and converse with. Examples written about such as “Terrified to Meet You” or a “Herkle Derkle,” spoke to the character of these individuals were at times humorous, if not always honest experiences, she encountered throughout her exploits. The self-assured nature of the author’s outlook on life and the balance of honesty and confidence is profoundly felt throughout the entirety of the book, even in the early chapters detailing the injury which she endured during this time as well. This is a very unique book, revealing things which only living through these experiences can be told.


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